2024-2025 Community Care Fund
Agency Application
The Community Care Fund process starts with an initial step, the submission of a letter of interest (LOI). In 2024, we are awarding funds to northern Idaho nonprofits to help with projects from January through December 2025. The CY2025 process started in June 2024 with a letter of interest via a form submitted on this page. The LOI asked for basic program information and helped the team decide whether the Community Care Fund fits the project well. The LOI submission window was 7/15 - 8/2. The next Letter of Interest cycle will start in June or July 2025; the LOI form will be posted on this page. (Be sure to subscribe to the UWNI newsletter to catch the dates.)
After the LOI review, agencies who receive an invitation to submit a full application will submit that application online by the end of September. In the fall, Impact Councils of local volunteers review and score applications and recommend funding to the United Way Board of Directors. Funds for 2025 projects will be awarded in Dec. 2024; mid-year reporting will be in June 2025; final reporting will be after Dec. 2025. The CY2026 funding cycle will start in June/July 2025 with the online submission of a letter of interest.
Get an early start and consider alignment now. Determine which impact area most closely aligns with the program for which you will seek funding. Program examples can be viewed by clicking the icons of each impact area. Program examples (below) provide help in identifying which impact area will fit best. These are common examples of programs but are not comprehensive. If you are unsure about which impact area to select for your program, contact us for guidance.
Education: School ReadinessHelping youth and children achieve their potential. Children (birth through age 5) enter school ready to learn and succeed. |
Education: Youth SuccessChildren do well in school, graduate on time, and are ready to succeed in post-secondary education and a career path. |
Financial StabilityIndividuals and families attain financial stability by lowering costs and accessing benefits; individuals attain family-sustaining jobs that offer the opportunity for advancement; individuals have adequate transportation. |
Health & WellnessIndividuals and families lead healthy lives through access to quality medical services including physical, dental, and behavioral health; prevent and respond to family violence, child abuse and neglect, and suicide; encompasses efforts to create healthy systems and environments. |
Get started early:
- Carefully review the reporting requirements in the Results Framework.
- In addition to program-specific metrics, all funded agencies must be able to report:
- Number of unduplicated individuals served by this grant (specifying population served--students/children/adults/seniors, etc)
- County or counties served
- Quantity of volunteers and volunteer hours engaged
- Number of low-moderate income and ALICE households participating in or benefitting from the program (LMI= at or below 80% Area Median Income)
- View samples and training
Letters of Interest were accepted from July 15, 2024 to August 2, 2024
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 208-667-8112 ext.108 or email Nicky@uwnorthidaho.org.