ALICE Child Care Scholarship Program

What is it?

United Way of North Idaho's ALICE Child Care Scholarship is a pool of funds created through grants and fundraising to support families who are attending school and/or employed and need assistance paying for the care of pre-K and school-age children. 

Who is it for?

Scholarships are available to families with children who are employed and/or enrolled in school or a job training program (includes local community colleges, technical programs, high school completion, etc.) and are paying for at least one child in a licensed early care and education program or out-of-school care program.


kids playing at daycare

"I’m a single mom, going to school full time so that I can be better for my kids. I’m dealing with so much stress with my family. I’m just trying to be a good mom, and keep my kids in a great daycare that I trust and the extra help would be amazing"

"This scholarship has helped me make it through the remainder of this semester. I really cannot thank you enough. Your contribution has helped my family get closer to having financial security and me get closer to pursuing my lifelong dream of being an educator."

Information for Families

Scholarships are available to families with children who meet the following criteria:

  • Living in any of Idaho's five northern counties: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, or Shoshone
  • Pre-tax income at or below 100% Area Median Income:

 household size

  • Employed and/or enrolled in school or a job training program (includes local community colleges, technical programs, high school completion, etc.)
  • Paying for at least one child in a licensed early care and education program or out-of-school care program.   
  • Have been found ineligible for The Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP) and have a denial letter more information on this can be found under the FAQ tab.
    • The ICCP freeze has been lifted as of January 13th. We require proof of ICCP denial for scholarship consideration.

The following documents are required as part of your application:

  • Copy of paystubs and/or other income documentation for past 30 days
  • Current copy of course schedule (students only)
  • State-issued ID plus proof of residency. Can be any of the following:
    • Current utility bills in your name
    • Lease or letter from landlord
    • Employer verification of address
  • Idaho Child Care Assistance Program (ICCP) denial letter from Idaho Department of Health and Welfare more information on this can be found under the FAQ tab.
    • The ICCP freeze has been lifted as of January 13th. We require proof of ICCP denial for scholarship consideration.

Please submit these documents with your application. We cannot review your application if you do not submit all required documents.

Deadline to apply is the 10th of each month. Scholarships are reviewed and award decisions made monthly on the third Friday. You will be contacted regarding your scholarship status following the scholarship review.

Families can apply for scholarships online or by scanning and emailing a hard copy:

Click here for the 2025 online application

Click here to download a hard copy of the application

Scan and email application and additional documents to

Still have questions? Please reach out!

Shelby Walsh, Early Learning Coordinator

The selection committee meets once per month on the third Friday. You will be notified via email or by hard copy mailed to the address listed on your application, if requested. The selection committee and community partners will make every effort to connect you with additional resources should your application be denied.

If you have not applied to ICCP, please fill out the application by calling 1-877-456-1233 (toll free) OR visit your local Idaho Department of Health and Welfare field office.

  • Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
    • ID Card
    • Household Income
    • Housing Costs 
    • Current Monthly Expenses
    • If applicable, Immigration Status


For more information, visit…

You and your child care provider will receive a welcome packet via email which includes:

  • The amount awarded per month, the disbursement process, and timeline
  • Any documents to be signed and returned to United Way

The scholarship amount is determined based on applicant need and funds available. The applicant’s child care provider will complete a W-9 and return it to the Early Care and Education Task Force. We will verify rates and attendance with the provider each month and send a one-time check directly to the provider to cover the total sum and duration of your awarded scholarship. If you un-enroll from the current provider, please contact us to have your scholarship moved to a new provider or to reapply.

Information for supporters

One of United Way's impact goals is to ensure that all children have nurturing early experiences and enter school ready to learn. To do this, we build public-private partnerships to provide more affordable, high-quality child care for working families in our region. This matters to children and working families today, and for the future of our communities. 

The COVID-19 crisis devastated the child care industry. Many child care businesses closed to follow public health guidance, leading to lost revenue for weeks and months at a time. Low wages for teachers means a shortage of care options for working families. Child care is essential infrastructure to a healthy workforce and economy

This scholarship fund was created through the City of Coeur d'Alene Community Development Block Grant, the Innovia Foundation, Idaho Community Foundation, Pita Pit, Hecla, the Avista Foundation, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, and United Way's Ride for ALICE fundraiser. 

Representatives from United Way of North Idaho Early Learning Collaborative review applications and supplemental documentation to recommend awards. Personally-identifying information is kept confidential.

The selection committee and community partners make every effort to connect applicants with additional resources should their application be denied.

Childcare is critical for employee satisfaction and participation in the workforce. United Way of North Idaho is in the unique position to give local employers an opportunity to provide childcare assistance to their employees through the UWNI childcare scholarships (at no cost to your business).

The first step for businesses is to conduct a survey to understand employee needs. The quick win is to provide access to scholarships for employees so benefits can start immediately. We will provide the survey, a link to scholarships, and for a limited time, FUNDING for all employee households earning up to 100% Area Median Income. For 2022, that is $82,200 for a family of four.

Qualifying employees could receive up to 12 months of childcare assistance. Scholarship applications are due by the 10th of each month. We feel this offer to employees along with a request to complete the survey will help jumpstart the effort as well as help you gather information about the need in your company.

Ready to get started? Send an email to your employees sharing the scholarship application and survey. 


Learn more about offering child care as a workforce benefit.

The first five years of a child’s life present a critical window for learning and growth and this is exactly the time when quality early childhood education makes a profound difference in a child’s life. Yet this pivotal window of opportunity is missed when quality early childhood education is unavailable or unaffordable.

Individuals, businesses and grants are what allow us to distribute funds and help local families stay afloat while they navigate the current economy. 

You can help keep this program going by donating here.